the ipod could not be restored error 3149

[iPod Touch] HELP: 'The "ipod" could not.
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Help: 'The "ipod" could not be restored.. Outlook Support From Techbuddiesonline.
Help: 'The "ipod" could not be restored..
Help: 'The "ipod" could not be restored..

the ipod could not be restored error 3149
the ipod could not be restored error 3149
What does the error "iTunes could not.
Some people who are trying to restore or downgrade their iPhone's or iPod touch's are getting the error message: The iPod [or iPhone] "iPod" could not be
iTunes Restore/Downgrade Error "This. 26.09.2010 · Best Answer: The error code 3194 means that the firmware verification that iTunes does with the Apple server before each and every restore has failed. The
[iPod Touch] HELP: 'The "ipod" could not be restored. An unknown error occurred (1604)" Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks
Do you know what the permissions are on the Backup folder in ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/? – Chealion Aug 26 '10 at 2:58
The ipod could not be restored. An.
iOS > Jailbreaks and iOS Hacks Ok. Let me explain what I did (I think I mess up something) let me know If someone You are in the wrong thread This is the .